- Making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education
Alan Bainbridge, Linden West - To Think or Not to Think
Lene Auestad - Beginning teaching: the theory/practice divide
Alan Bainbridge - Margot’s Red Shoes
Anne Bastin, Philippe Chaussecourte - Self-Respect, Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem: psychoanalytic and philosophical implications for Higher Education
Tony Brown, Mark Murphy - Playing and Adults Learning
Jacki Cartlidge - Cross identification analysis in the class
Laure Castelnau, Claudine Blanchard-Laville - The Current Educational System as the Enemy of Experiential Learning
Anastasios Gaitanidis - Using Psychodynamic Ideas in Teaching and Research
Celia Hunt, Linden West - Training Psychologists: learning from emotions in the university context
Adele Nunziante Cesàro, Anna Zurolo, Valentina Boursier, Alessandra Delli Veneri - Good-enough or omnipotent trainers
Jean-Luc Rinaudo - Along the continua: mentally ill artist students uninterrupted
Olivia Sagan - When the Teachers’ Transferential Response Inhibits Learning
Alper Sahin - Learning through ourselves: the supervision group as a training tool
Alessandra Delli Veneri, Adele Nunziante Cesàro, Valentina Boursier - Training teachers: psychoanalytical issues in the teacher-student and institutional relationship
Anna Zurolo, Alessandra Delli Veneri
Autres écrits
- Charles Gardou. Le handicap au risque des cultures
Jean-Sébastien Morvan
Paul Ricœur. Écrits et conférences 1, Autour de la psychanalyse
Marie-Anne Sandrin-Bui, Louis-Marie Bossard - Thèses
Résumés – abstraits